But I'll get to that tonight. Wohoo! I'm ready to go.
For your viewing pleasure, here are some maps of where I'll be. The second just shows where my route in/out of India will be, via Qatar Airlines, with a layover in Doha, Qatar (indicated by the high-tech arrow).
The first shows my primary location in Vellore (big X next to Chennai), and my planned subsequent travels, namely Chennai -> north to Delhi -> Agra (for the Taj Mahal)-> Delhi -> south to Cochin -> Alleppey (south of Cochin, not pictured) - > south to Trivandrum (at the very bottom) -> north to Mumbai -> home. I think if you click on them they enlarge.
I'm still figuring out how to get my pics to behave in this format, so bear with me.
Wish me luck. I'll post again in a few days with reports of my travels and pic goodness of my new home.