This is Felicia! Vacations are awesome. We just spent a relaxing 3 days amongst palm trees on the relaxing backwaters of Kerala. I have become very good at doing a whole lot of nothing. Getting back to work in the lab is going to be tough. We stayed in a cute little cottage, ate some good home-cooked meals, and then spent a day on a houseboat that took us though the backwaters of Kerala. That trip was fun because we got a small window into what it is like to live back there and see their fields and stuff. I was quite and experience. We had the best south Indian meals so far on the trip. No we are on to Trivandrum for a little less relaxation and hopefully some cool sights, before we eventually head for home. When we get home, I'll show everyone some great pictures of Chris in his Indian garb. Bye!
Hi there, this is Chris. I second what Felicia said. Kerala is just an green, calm, beautiful place to kick back. The little mom-n-pop place we stayed at on the water was great and cheap. Thatched hut, outdoor bathroom & shower, candlelight home-cooking by the water's edge at night. Kind of like roughing it a bit, but fun and nice. We went out on a boat set up by Manish (of my prior Kerala trip). It was great, and we had a wonderful time together. I got to drive it for a while! When tied up in a canal for the night, we discovered our boat was next to that of two Swedish students that had been my hostel-mates back at the CMC in Vellore! They are taking a long weekend. Small world, huh? Anyways, Felicia and I got even more lazy, and floated around, drank some beer, read some books, played some cards, and ate really great food. Today we hop a train to Trivanrum for a few days, then fly up to Mumbai, and from there eventually head for home in less than one week. This has been a long trip for me so far, but it is far from over......
Here are some recent pics of us:
This was our little piece of heaven. Our hut is tough to see, over on the right side.
Yes, Chris has a sickness. He had to fish in India. Not quite enough for dinner, but at least its something!
Our front porch, where Chris kicked my butt at blackjack.
Felica ponders gene mapping and haplotypes.....or snoozes as we cruise along. The beer in the foreground might be involved.
Felicia and a tree. Oh yeah, also really pretty canal and lots of green nature stuff.
Chris on the houseboat. In a dress (no, that's a dhoti, thank you very much!)
Our view from the boat. Begin jealousy now.
That's all for now. Thanks for reading! We'll see you soon from somewhere else.
-Chris and Felicia