Here are some random picks from my day out this afternoon (still have not slept yet). Lots of crowds, lots of cows, some working and some lazing on the street corner, some ladies selling local attire to Christina and Anne, the three of us in the back of a motorrickshaw, and a pic of the guy in the booth who controls the traffic light in front of the CMC hospital. I have some great video from my drive in this AM, but having trouble getting it loaded. People here honk their horns like other people breathe: without respite, no breaks.
I noticed that a certain part of town always smells like seafood when we drive by. On the Texas gulf coast, thats to be expected, but we are nowhere near the sea here. Then we walked by. Ahhh, this town has a lot of open sewer space.
Still, having fun, eating awesome cheap food. Will post as much and as often as I can.
see you later.