Well, I tried to be strong. 36hrs with only a few potato chips and a flat coke, and still no luck. Cipro it is, with lots of H2O. Will go to the "supermarket" today to see if they have something like gatorade too. I'm sure you are all fascinated by this. So lets move on, shall we?
So heres one more pic from last weekend at Mamallapuram.
On the pediatric side of the N2 neurology inpatient ward is the childrens' entertainment area. Not much, really. But this familiar character was on. As it was in Tamil, I have no idea what number of bats he was up to. I wonder if they even are familiar with the concept of a vampire, much less one who is friendly and "Counts".
This is just a view down one of the corridors at the CMC campus, out to a really pretty courtyard. Its like a little oasis in there.
Here are two of the monkeys I saw yesterday outside the computer lab window. The pic is a little blurry, but it'll have to do. Perhaps Felicia will be so kind as to offer a guess at what kind these are? Mom and baby, very cute, but I'm not going to try to pick them up.
This is a view over part of Vellore, across the roofs near the central bazaar. I just read that the combined population of Vellore and its surrounding villages is about 300,000. I bet this "town" has 150-200,000 alone.
A view down one of the lanes of the central bazaar. They cram a lot of stuff in here.
Most of the vendors there begged us to take their pictures. This guy wanted his friend in too. the friedn did not. Guy #1 thought this was hilarious.
Two guys selling piles and pilse of flesh blooms. For all the incredibly disgustingly stinky places in town, this aisle was very pleasant.
Big chunks of incense, all different types, some you dip in water, some you burn. I think I'll go back and pick some of this stuff up.
Lots of piles of dyed powder for your forehead, incense figurines, and some sort of food items. This was a "satellite" store for the golden temple.
Closeup of some if the dyes. Very vivid pure colors.
Well, thats about it for now. Neurology has been very interesting, and my tropical disease bit will touch upon the neurological implications of it.
Now I'm going to the drugstore. I am so hungy. So very, very hungry.
Chris, I am Cristina's father. I enjoy reading your blog on the trip to India and the things you are experiencing. The photos are very,very good.
I hope meet you and the rest of the team during graduation day at San Antonio as I am planning to be there.
Keep the good work and I hope you get better pretty soon ( this weekend)
Regards, Eliecer Colmenares
Maybe they are macaques. Very cute. Thanks.
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