Monday, May 12, 2008

Just a word

I guess i haven't really conveyed how much my trip to India had given me an appreciation for how good we have it here. We have access to clean water, to food, to health care, jobs, clothing. No, not everyone has these things, and we are still a work in progress here, but India is something else entirely. And yet people carry on, with quiet resolve, despite all the obstacles that may be in their path. India produces great minds and achievers consistently, and when I think of my journey to this point in my life, it looks so easy compared with one coming from such an environment. The people of India impressed me with their patience and way of always getting done whatever needed to be done, regardless of all the absurd bureaucracy, power failures, and overall counter-productive nature of things. I have a deeper respect for people, and a much greater appreciation of the gifts that I have been given, as well as a more profound sense of responsibility to use them to their utmost.

Pretty heavy, huh?

I am very very glad that I had the wonderful opportunity to take this trip. It was all I'd hoped it would be and more, so I would like to express my gratitude to the Paul Brand Scholarship foundation and UTHSCSA for making it all possible. I strongly encourage any students considering this experience to go for it.

But bring plenty of TP and gatorade powder in case you have to rehydrate!



Anonymous said...

Have you guys heard of Vadlo Search Engine for biology protocols and powerpoints? Nice cartoons too.

Damo said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Chris,
My name is Jansi. I enjoyed reading your blog. About 8 years ago I used to be one of those Public Helath Nurse at CHAD, Vellore. At present I am here in America at columbus Ohio. what a small world! I have a great passion for my home place and I very often google aroud to see what's new. Your blog was very interesting and I wanted to drop in a few words.You can contact me at

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